I've written a featureful plugin for the Smarty templating engine to be able to generate tag clouds very easily. Smarty by itself is a really slow engine, so that it would not the worst idea to use a plugin which is written in pure PHP instead of generating the list of words with the even slower {math} extension of Smarty.
To use the plugin, you need to place the PHP file into your smarty plugins directory. In your PHP script, do
something like this:
$tags = array(
array('tag' => 'Robert', 'num' => 55, 'link' => 'robert'),
array('tag' => 'raw', 'num' => 66, 'link' => 'raw'),
array('tag' => 'Open Source', 'num' => 41, 'link' => 'open-source'),
array('tag' => 'PHP', 'num' => 90, 'link' => 'php'),
array('tag' => 'Smarty', 'num' => 14, 'link' => 'smarty'),
$smarty->assign_by_ref('tags', $tags);
In the template you're display()ing or fetch()ing, you can now use the new {cloud} tag, like so:
{cloud tags=$tags minsize=6 maxsize=25 sort="random" limit=50 url="/tag/%link%/" class="tags tag-%size%" font="%size%px"}
The example of above could generate an output similar to this:
Open SourceSmartyrawPHPRobert
The new function is able to handle the following parameters:
- tags - The array containing all tags in a new sub array with the following elements:
- tag - The label of the tag
- num - The total sum or weight of the tag
- link - The link token or the ID of the tag which is tight fitted into the link via %link%
- minsize (optional) - The minimum size used for class counting or font sizes (default: 8)
- maxsize (optional) - The maximum size used for class counting or font sizes (default: 30)
- url (optional) - The URL mask used to generate the final link via %link%
- sort - The sequence in which the tags should be shown. Can be one of the following values:
- random - Sort randomly
- alphabetic - Sort in alphabetic order
- alphabetic-desc - Sort in descending alphabetic order
- weight - Sort by the weight of a tag
- weihgt-desc - Sort by the weihgt of a tag in descending order
- limit (optional)- The maximum count of tags to be shown (default: all)
- class (optional) - If you want to use the calculated size as part of a class name via %size%
- font (optional) - If you want to use the calculated size as part of the font size parameter via %size%
- format (optional) - If you need a maximum of flexibility to override url, class and font and write an own link line like:
<a href="/tag/%link%/" class="tags tag-%size%">%tag%</a>
The size of the %size% parameter is ever an integer in the interval [minsize, maxsize]. This way it's possible to is it as class-name extension as well as a font-size CSS property. Note, that for class names, the lowest number is also the smallest tag.