14 Jul ยท Robert Eisele
RAW Math
signal processing
machine learning
linear algebra
- 2D Perp Operator Introduction
- 2D Perp Dot Product Introduction
- 3D Cross Product Introduction
- Bisector of two vectors
- Dot Product Introduction
- Gauss-Jordan Elimination Introduction
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Introduction
- Extracting Translation, Rotation, and Scaling from Homogeneous Transformations
computer graphics
cheat sheet
- Create KMZ files on-the-fly with PHP
- Parse CSV with JavaScript
- Disable vim automatic visual mode on mouse select
- Reading a CSV file to Eigen Matrix
- Flashing Linux on a Flash-Card with OSX
- Arduino I2C Scanner
- OpenCV Facedetect with C
- Circular sector and arcs with OpenScad
- Is a point on the left or right side of a line
- Connect MSSQL Database with Python
- Quaternion Operations in sympy
- Pipe data from node.js to C
- Masking IPv6 Address with MySQL
- Parse CSV with PHP
- Hiding files on Filesystem
- Symbolic Gradient of a function using sympy
- Normal vector of a line segment
- Netcat MySQL Stream
- Exploring Date Ratios
- Is an angle between two other angles?
- Simplified Intraday Trend Analysis
- Calculate the sum of divisors
- The log-sum-exp trick in Machine Learning
- Calculate the argmin of the sum of absolute values
- Improving Interval Conditions
- Calculate the intersection area of two circles
- Calculate the Tangent Line of a Circle
- Calculate the intersection point of two Lines
- Derivation of Pagination Calculation
- How to map a Square to a Circle
- Reduce the length of a line segment by a certain amount
- Connectedness of tree height, b-adic numbers and repunits
- Mathematics of a roller chain animation
- Make a Fair Coin from a Biased Coin
- Create a circle out of three points
- How to plot a covariance error ellipse
- Drawing an upright star polygon
- The Cleverness of Paper Size
- Shortest distance between a point and a line segment