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RAW Math
09 Dec ยท Robert Eisele
Mathematics of a roller chain animation
A mathematical derivation on how to animate a roller chain using SVG
Inverse Kinematics of a Stewart Platform
Solving LightsOut using Linear Algebra
Nth derivative of sine and co-sine
Quaternion from two vectors
Rounded Corners on Path Segment
SVG Arc to GCode G2 and G3
Vector Rotation using Quaternions
Plane Reflection Matrix
Proof that 0.9999... is equal to 1
Partial Polyline drawing
Quaternions Introduction
Solving Quadratic Equations
Solving Cubic Equations
Power series Introduction
Rational Numbers Introduction
Lambert W function Introduction
Complex Numbers Introduction
Taylor series Introduction
Sequences Introduction
Series Introduction
Arc Length of a Function
Sets Introduction
Monte Carlo integration Introduction
signal processing
Average Filter Introduction
Linear Programming Introduction
Newton's Method Introduction
Gradient Descent Introduction
number theory
Diffie Hellman Key Exchange
Determine if a number is a perfect square
machine learning
k-Nearest Neighbor Introduction
Regression Introduction
linear algebra
2D Perp Operator Introduction
2D Perp Dot Product Introduction
3D Cross Product Introduction
Bisector of two vectors
Dot Product Introduction
Gauss-Jordan Elimination Introduction
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Introduction
Extracting Translation, Rotation, and Scaling from Homogeneous Transformations
computer graphics
Mathematics of 2D Hit-testing
GLSL Functions
Line-Segment Bezier-Curve Intersection
Line-Segment Ellipse Intersection
Line-Segment Intersection
Calculate the intersection points of two Circles
Minimum spanning tree Introduction
Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm
Second smallest element in array
The Fast Inverse Square Root Algorithm
Ackerman Steering Introduction
Wheel Loader Steering
cheat sheet
OSX Network Cheat Sheet
Git Cheat Sheet
Ruby Code Golf
Create KMZ files on-the-fly with PHP
Parse CSV with JavaScript
Disable vim automatic visual mode on mouse select
Reading a CSV file to Eigen Matrix
Flashing Linux on a Flash-Card with OSX
Arduino I2C Scanner
OpenCV Facedetect with C
Circular sector and arcs with OpenScad
Is a point on the left or right side of a line
Connect MSSQL Database with Python
Quaternion Operations in sympy
Pipe data from node.js to C
Masking IPv6 Address with MySQL
Parse CSV with PHP
Hiding files on Filesystem
Symbolic Gradient of a function using sympy
Normal vector of a line segment
Netcat MySQL Stream
Exploring Date Ratios
Is an angle between two other angles?
Simplified Intraday Trend Analysis
Calculate the sum of divisors
The log-sum-exp trick in Machine Learning
Calculate the argmin of the sum of absolute values
Improving Interval Conditions
Calculate the intersection area of two circles
Calculate the Tangent Line of a Circle
Calculate the intersection point of two Lines
Derivation of Pagination Calculation
How to map a Square to a Circle
Reduce the length of a line segment by a certain amount
Connectedness of tree height, b-adic numbers and repunits
Mathematics of a roller chain animation
Make a Fair Coin from a Biased Coin
Create a circle out of three points
How to plot a covariance error ellipse
Drawing an upright star polygon
The Cleverness of Paper Size
Shortest distance between a point and a line segment
control theory
Introduction to PID Controllers
Solutions to Coding Challenges