raw code

PHP Defcon Extension

Robert Eisele

PHP Defcon is an Extension for PHP to define constants that are available during the whole server runtime - from server start to shutdown.


With this Extension you have the possebility to define global constants such as configuration constants that will be available during the whole server runtime.


PHP Datatypes

Datatype Aliases


# Database Config
string DBHOST = "localhost";
string DBUSER = "root";
string DBPASS = "";
string DBNAME = "test";

# Parsertest
int T1 = 123;
int T2 = 1.3;
int T3 = "test";
real T4 = 1;

string T5 = hello # should work too

logical T6 = true;
logical T7 = false;
logical T8 = 234


Installing with `pecl` command-line utility

  1. Execute command "pecl install defcon"
  2. Make sure you have extension=defcon.so in your php.ini
  3. Add the configuration lines from above in your /etc/defcon.conf

Installing from sources

  1. Download defcon source package
  2. Unpack defcon source package
  3. Go to defcon folder and type "phpize && ./configure && make && make install"
  4. Make sure you have extension=defcon.so in your php.ini
  5. Add the configuration lines from above in your /etc/defcon.conf

Compiling Defcon into PHP

  1. Download defcon source package
  2. Unpack defcon source package to $PHP_SOURCE_DIR/ext/defcon
  3. In php source root directory run commands: "rm configure && ./buildconf --force"
  4. Configure PHP with command "./configure --with-defcon"
  5. Run make && make install
  6. Add the configuration lines from above in your /etc/defcon.conf
