PHP Infusion combines a set of functions missed in the PHP core. While I worked on web projects and missed some functionality, I added the missed functions to this extension. I've recently published an extension for MySQL with many of the following functions, too.
This extension is a small set of (long?) missed functions in PHP. I generalized this extension for a public purpose. All other functions/changes will be published on a different way.
Binary Functions
Check if a bit-flag is set in the number.
bool isbit(int $mask, int $n);
Set a bit-flag in the number to 1 or another boolean.
int setbit(int $mask, int $n[, bool $init=1]);
Toggle/invert a bit-flag in the number.
int invbit(int $mask, int $n);
Rotate a bit-mast.
int rotbit(int $mask, int $n);
Count the number of bits set in the number.
int numbit(int $mask);
Get the most significant bit of a number. This equals to the log base 2 of the number.
int msbit(int $mask);
Get a range of bits out of a number circumscribed by x and y. For more information see Small numbers in big numbers.
int getint(int $mask, int $x, int $y);
Set a number in a circumscribed range of x and y
int setint(int $mask, int $x, int $y, int $num);
Logical Functions
Check if the number is between the two other arguments.
bool between(int $num, int $a, int $b);
Mathematical Functions
Limits a number to a specified upper max value.
int limit(int $num, int $max);
Limits a number to a specified lower min- and a upper max value
int bound(int $num, int $min, int $max);
Returns the sign of a number.
int sgn(double $num);
Gives the greatest proper power in the number.
int gpp(int $num);
Calculates the significant figures of a number.
double sigfig(double $num, int $figs);
Calculate the checksum of a number.
int checksum(int $num);
Round to the next multiple of a base.
int bround(int $num, int $base);
Round to the next power of 10. This breaks down 10log(n) / log(10)
int xround(int $num);
Array Functions
Joins array keys placing glue string between items and return one string.
string kimplode([string $glue,] array $pieces);
String Functions
Cuts a string if it's longer then a max value.
string strcut(string $str, int $num);
Offsets a string by a given number.
string stroff(string $str, int $off);
Cuts a string if it's longer then a max value and appends a given string.
string truncate(string $str, int $num[, string $x='...']);
Check if the specified character is upper-case.
bool isuc(string $str[, int $pos=0]);
Check if the specified character is lower-case.
bool islc(string $str[, int $pos=0]);
A more intelligent sprintf where you can specify the search token and a callback function.
string xsprintf(string $format, callback $callback, char $delim);
String calibration to check, if the string is in a given format with a simple regexp format.
string strcal(string $format, string $str[, int $len=-1]);
String calibration without care about upper and lower case to check, if the string is in a given format with a simple regexp format.
string strical(string $format, string $str[, int $len=-1]);
Brings a simple template parser to PHP. The idea comes from the C# printf() functionalitys.
string strmap(string $str, array $replace);
Misc Functions
Chops a number as big as possible into parts.
array number_chop(int $num, int $parts);
Chops a time value and returns as format string or as array.
[string|array] time_chop(int $time[, mixed $format=2, bool $is_array=0]);
The format is a mixed type and can be defined as integer to define a number of entities or as string to define the units you want to get. The types for the selective mode are defined as:
y - years n - months w - weeks d - days h - hours m - minutes s - seconds
The time value switches to the delta of the current time and the passed value if the value is too big and looks by a unix timestamp.
Variable Functions
Returns the type of a number as integer.
int typeof($var);
The types are the same as the internal type mappings of the Zend-Engine. Here the mapping from zend.h header file:
#define IS_NULL 0
#define IS_LONG 1
#define IS_DOUBLE 2
#define IS_STRING 3
#define IS_ARRAY 4
#define IS_OBJECT 5
#define IS_BOOL 6
#define IS_RESOURCE 7
Check if there is a reference on a variable.
bool is_ref($var);
Installing from sources
- Download infusion source package
- Unpack infusion source package
- Go to infusion folder and type "phpize && ./configure && make && make install"
- Make sure you have in your php.ini
Compiling Infusion into PHP
- Download infusion source package
- Unpack infusion source package to $PHP_SOURCE_DIR/ext/infusion
- In php source root directory run commands: "rm configure && ./buildconf --force"
- Configure PHP with command "./configure --with-infusion"
- Run make && make install