raw code

lighttpd mod_mysql_accesslog

Robert Eisele

mod_mysql_accesslog is a lighttpd 1.4 module to log requests directly into MySQL or use MySQL to stream the data to another server.


This lighttpd module allows you to write the access data directly into MySQL. This opens a lot of new fields of application like the described way of using MySQL's replication to stream accesslog data to a centralized server(-farm).


Install the module

Add the following lines somewhere near the other module definitions (around line 250) in file src/Makefile.am:

lib_LTLIBRARIES += mod_mysql_accesslog.la
mod_mysql_accesslog_la_SOURCES = mod_mysql_accesslog.c
mod_mysql_accesslog_la_LDFLAGS = -module -export-dynamic -avoid-version -no-undefined
mod_mysql_accesslog_la_LIBADD = $(MYSQL_LIBS) $(common_libadd)
mod_mysql_accesslog_la_CPPFLAGS = $(MYSQL_INCLUDE)

Download and copy mod_mysql_accesslog.c and copy it into the src directory.

Run the following commands in the base directory of lighttpd:

./configure --with-mysql ...
make clean
make install

Create the database table

Note: This example includes all possible columns you can use. Please use the suggested signed/unsigned versions of INT to avoid problems. Using VARCHAR(2048) is maybe a waste of memory, but you can adjust this value for your own needs:

CREATE TABLE accesslog (
  remote_host int(10) unsigned,
  remote_user varchar(2048),
  timestamp int(10) unsigned,
  request_line varchar(2048),
  status smallint(5) unsigned,
  bytes_body int(10) unsigned,
  header varchar(2048),
  environment varchar(2048),
  filename varchar(2048),
  request_protocol enum('VERSION_1_0','VERSION_1_1'),
  server_port smallint(5) unsigned,
  query_string varchar(2048),
  time_used smallint(5) unsigned,
  url varchar(2048),
  server_name varchar(2048),
  http_host varchar(2048),
  keep_alive tinyint(3) unsigned,
  bytes_in int(10) unsigned,
  bytes_out int(10) unsigned,
  response_header varchar(2048)


Apply the following configuration to your lighttpd.conf

# MySQL Accesslog authentification
mysql-accesslog.user = "peter"

mysql-accesslog.pass = "secret"

# MySQL database
mysql-accesslog.data = "pipe"
# MySQL socket or host
mysql-accesslog.sock = "/tmp/mysql.sock"
#mysql-accesslog.host = ""

# MySQL query to be executed
mysql-accesslog.query = "INSERT INTO accesslog SET remote_host=%h timestamp=%t, status=%s, header=%{User-Agent}i, query_string=%q, url=%U"

The used parameters are exactly the same as of the original mod_accesslog, but have sometimes different datatypes, so look at the create table statement above to know what type is needed.
