
Roman Numerals Converter

Robert Eisele

What are Roman Numerals?

Roman numerals, originating in ancient Rome, are a numeral system where letters represent numbers. This system uses seven primary symbols: I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), and M (1,000). By combining these symbols according to defined rules, values from 1 to 3,999,999 can be expressed. For example, the year 2024 is written as MMXXIV in Roman numerals.

The system employs specific conventions, such as subtractive notation, where a smaller numeral before a larger one denotes subtraction (e.g., IV represents 4, and IX represents 9). Additionally, symbols are generally not repeated more than three times in succession, ensuring clarity and readability.

In modern times, Roman numerals are widely used in clocks, book chapters, movie titles, historical documents, and events like the Olympics and Super Bowl. They also play a key role in understanding historical dates, inscriptions, and architectural elements.

This Roman numeral converter allows instant and accurate conversion between Roman numerals and Arabic numbers. It supports values up to 3,999,999 and adheres to the rules of Roman numeral formatting. Whether you're decoding historical texts, analyzing ancient systems, or converting numbers for modern purposes, this tool is an essential resource.

Roman Numerals Examples

Roman NumeralArabic Equivalent
What is the Roman numeral IV?4
What is the Roman numeral IX?9
What is the Roman numeral XL?40
What is the Roman numeral XC?90
What is the Roman numeral CD?400
What is the Roman numeral CM?900
What is the Roman numeral I?1
What is the Roman numeral V?5
What is the Roman numeral X?10
What is the Roman numeral L?50
What is the Roman numeral C?100
What is the Roman numeral D?500
What is the Roman numeral M?1,000
What is the Roman numeral MMXXIV?2024
What is the Roman numeral MMMCMXCIX?3,999