raw encryption
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Encrypt / Decrypt Use key:

Caesar Cipher Decoder & Encoder Tool

The Caesar Cipher Tool allows you to encrypt and decrypt text using the classic Caesar Cipher algorithm. When you are selecting a key, such as 13, the tool performs encryption similar to ROT13, shifting each letter by 13 places to obscure the original message. When you use "guess" as the key, the algorithm tries to find the right key and decrypts the string by an educated guess described below.

For those eager to deepen their understanding of encryption techniques, I highly recommend exploring this comprehensive introductory book on cryptography.

Read the story

What is a Caesar Cipher?

The Caesar Cipher is one of the most well-known encryption techniques, with a history dating back to ancient times. Named after Julius Caesar, who is believed to have used this method to secure military communications, the Caesar Cipher remains a cornerstone in the study of cryptography. Its simplicity and historical significance make it an ideal starting point for anyone interested in learning about encryption and decryption techniques.

How the Caesar Cipher Works

At its core, the Caesar Cipher is a substitution cipher. Each letter in the plaintext is shifted by a fixed number of positions up or down the alphabet. The shift is determined by a numeric key, which must be shared between the sender and receiver to ensure successful decryption.

For example, if the key is 3, the letter "A" becomes "D," "B" becomes "E," and so on. The receiver, who knows the key, can reverse this shift to decode the message, turning the ciphertext back into the original plaintext. Without knowing the key, the message remains indecipherable, providing a basic level of security.

Example of Caesar Cipher in Action

Let's say we are using a key of 3:

In this example, each letter of the word "HELLO" is shifted three places forward in the alphabet, resulting in the ciphertext "KHOOR."

Variants of Caesar Cipher: Introducing ROT13

A well-known variant of the Caesar Cipher is ROT13, which stands for "rotate by 13 places." This cipher is particularly popular due to its simplicity: it shifts each letter of the alphabet by 13 places. Because the alphabet has 26 letters, applying ROT13 twice returns the original text, making it a simple but effective way to obscure text without permanent encryption.

ROT13 is often used online for concealing spoilers, jokes, or answers to puzzles. Since it's easy to reverse, the audience can quickly decode the message if they choose to.

How this Caesar Cipher Tool Simplifies Encryption and Decryption

Our Caesar Cipher Decryption Tool enhances the classic method by offering both manual and automated decryption features. You can:

This makes it ideal for learning, experimentation, or even practical encryption tasks. Additionally, the tool’s built-in source code is accessible, allowing developers to tweak and expand its functionality for custom projects.

Cracking the Caesar Cipher

Despite its historical significance, the Caesar Cipher is not secure by modern standards. Cracking it can be done by simply trying all 25 possible keys (excluding the original unshifted text). This brute-force method will eventually reveal the correct plaintext.

A more sophisticated approach to breaking the Caesar Cipher involves frequency analysis. This technique exploits the fact that certain letters appear more frequently in a given language. By comparing the frequency of letters in the ciphertext with known letter frequencies in the language, it's possible to guess the key more quickly and accurately.

Caesar Chifre Histogram

To crack a Caesar Cipher, the algorithm must identify the smallest distance between the encrypted text and every possible decrypted string. I've developed a decryption tool that can crack any Caesar Cipher by intelligently guessing the correct key. This tool works by analyzing the frequency patterns in the encrypted text and comparing them to the expected frequency distribution of letters in the language, allowing it to accurately determine the key and decrypt the message:

function caesar(str, n) {

  let ret = "";
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    let c = str.charCodeAt(i);
    if (97 <= c && c < 123) {
      ret += String.fromCharCode((c + n + 7) % 26 + 97);
    } else if (65 <= c && c < 91) {
      ret += String.fromCharCode((c + n + 13) % 26 + 65);
    } else {
      ret += str.charAt(i);
  return ret;

In our cracking algorithm, we begin by analyzing the encrypted string to generate an array that captures the frequency of each letter. This array represents a simple frequency statistic for the ciphertext. Next, we compare this frequency table to a standard frequency table for the letters in the target language. The final step involves calculating the smallest distance between the frequency patterns of the encrypted text and each possible decrypted version. This allows us to identify the most likely key and successfully decrypt the message.

function crack_caesar(str) {

  const weight = [
    6.51, 1.89, 3.06, 5.08, 17.4,
    1.66, 3.01, 4.76, 7.55, 0.27,
    1.21, 3.44, 2.53, 9.78, 2.51,
    0.29, 0.02, 7.00, 7.27, 6.15,
    4.35, 0.67, 1.89, 0.03, 0.04, 1.13];

  const c = Array(26).fill(0);
  const s = Array(26).fill(0);

  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
    let x = (str.charCodeAt(i) | 32) - 97;
    if (0 <= x && x < 26) {

  let max = 0;

  for (let off = 0; off < 26; ++off) {

    for (let i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
      s[off] += 0.01 * c[i] * weight[(i + off) % 26];
      if (max < s[off]) {
        max = s[off];
  return (26 - s.indexOf(max)) % 26;

const str = caesar("That's the never ending story of coding.", 16); // Test

By using the crack_caesar() function with the variable str, you can determine that the key used was 16. You can try out this script at the beginning of this site to see the decryption process in action.