Programming Puzzle Solutions
Competitive programming offers a rapid and enriching learning experience by being confronted with problems that diverge from typical day-to-day business demands. It serves as both a personal and intellectual challenge. It's my personal sudoku if you will. In order to keep track, I decided to post the solutions to challenges I participated to — not to spoil the journey for others, but to inspire the pursuit of even more efficient and better approaches to these captivating problems.
Project Euler Solutions
- Multiples of 3 and 5
- Even Fibonacci numbers
- Largest prime factor
- Largest palindrome product
- Smallest multiple
- Sum square difference
- 10001st prime
- Largest product in a series
- Special Pythagorean triplet
- Summation of primes
- Largest product in a grid
- Highly divisible triangular number
- Large sum
- Longest Collatz sequence
- Lattice paths
- Power digit sum
- Number letter counts
- Maximum path sum I
- Counting Sundays
- Factorial digit sum
- Amicable numbers
- Names scores
- Non-abundant sums
- Lexicographic permutations
- 1000-digit Fibonacci number
- Reciprocal cycles
- Quadratic primes
- Number spiral diagonals
- Distinct powers
- Digit fifth powers
- Coin sums
- Pandigital products
- Digit cancelling fractions
- Digit factorials
- Circular primes
- Double-base palindromes
- Truncatable primes
- Pandigital multiples
- Integer right triangles
- Champernowne's constant
- Pandigital prime
- Coded triangle numbers
- Sub-string divisibility
- Pentagon numbers
- Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal
- Goldbach's other conjecture
- Distinct primes factors
- Self powers
- Prime permutations
- Consecutive prime sum
CodeSignal Solutions
- Grouped Bits
- Offsets
- nthPlace
- Complete the Sequence
- Factorial
- No odd Digits
- Computer Units to Byte
- Bottles_1
- Bottles_2
- Matrix Perimeter
- Minimum Jump To Reach End
- Only Survivor
- maxBits
- Caesarian
- Circumcircle
- Reciprocal
- Is Permutation Of
- Two Five
- Near Square
- SumOdious
- TotalBinSum
- onesPosition
- nextSquare
- surviveIt
- primeClimb
- fibonacciWord
- faroShuffles
- alienShip
- monkeyBars
- isTournament
- extendedFibonacci
- pokerChips
Codingame Solutions
- Onboarding
- Mime Type
- Power of Thor - Episode 1
- Mars Lander - Episode 1
- Temperatures
- Defibrillators
- Horse-racing Duals
- Chuck Norris
- The Descent
- Balanced ternary computer: encode
- Bank Robbers
- ISBN Check Digit
- Pirate's treasure
- Darts
- Lumen
- Dead men's shot
- The River I.
- The River II.
- Blowing Fuse
- Horse-racing Hyperduals
- The Travelling Salesman Problem
- 1D Bush Fire
- Benford's law
- Create the longest sequence of 1s
- Merlin's Magic Square
- Offset Arrays
- Conway Sequence
- Telephone Numbers
- Stock Exchange Losses
- Network Cabling
- Shadows of the Knight Episode 1
- Mayan Calculation
- Don't Panic - Episode 1
- The Last Crusade - Episode 1
- Bender - Episode 1
- There is no Spoon - Episode 1
- Skynet Revolution - Episode 1
- Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants
- Teads Sponsored Contest
- The Gift
- Scrabble
- Mars Lander - Episode 2
- War
- Sum of divisors
- Simple Fraction to Mixed Number
- Numeral System
- Minimal number of swaps
- CGFunge interpreter
- The Fastest
- Next car license plate
- Rubik Cube
- The greatest element
- ANEO Sponsored Puzzle
- Bag of Balls
- Goro Want Chocolate
- Digit sum successor
- Number of letters in a number - Binary
- Magic stones
- CGX Formatter
- Super Computer
- Roller Coaster
- TAN Network
- There is no Spoon - Episode 2
- Winamax Sponsored Contest
- Bender - Episode 3
- Don't Panic - Episode 2
- Vox Codei - Episode 1
- Power of Thor - Episode 2
- Genome Sequencing
- The Last Crusade - Episode 2
- Bender - Episode 2
- Surface
- The Labyrinth
- Skynet Revolution - Episode 2
- The Bridge
- Apple tree
- Mystery sums
- Factorial vs Exponential
- Binary Permutations
- The greatest number
- Vortex
- Egyptian multiplication
- Disks intersection
- The Holy Grail
- Highest Truncated Pyramid
- Magic Count of Numbers
- Expand the polynomial
- Execution Circle
Very Hard
- Music Scores
- Mars Lander - Episode 3
- The Resistance
- Shadows of the Knight - Episode 2
- Nintendo Sponsored Contest
- The Last Crusade - Episode 3
- Vox Codei - Episode 2
- Recurring Decimals
- Divide the factorial
Hackerrank Solutions
Mathematics - Algebra
Mathematics - Geometry
Mathematics - Fundamentals
- Find the Point
- Summing the N series
- Minimum Height Triangle
- Best Divisor
- Restaurant
- Sherlock and Permutations
- Sherlock and Divisors
- Leonardo's Prime Factors
- Even Odd Query
- Special Multiple
- Connecting Towns
Mathematics - Combinatorics
Mathematics - Number Theory
Algorithms - Bit Manipulation
Algorithms - Implementation
Algorithms - Recursion
Algorithms - Search
SkillValue Solutions
Spotify Solutions
Misc Solutions
- Division with remainder
- Number Guessing
- Pre-School Math Problem
- Inscribed Squares
- The rope around the equator
- Sum of Digit-Sums between one and a million
- Tipping Point Problem
- Three Digits Number
- Advent calendar motifs
- Solve Exponential Equation I
- Solve Exponential Equation II
- An interesting Limit
- Probability to win in a Tombola