Determine the smallest prime number that is on an even position in a given vector. If such a number does not exist, an appropriate message will be displayed.
Input: an array X[N]
Output: the prime number or string NULL
Example: For X = {9,31,38,5,62,44,38,17,19,38,50,74}, the output is 5.
Testing if a number is prime can be done with a simple loop or by using the ruby `prime` library. It then is just looping over the numbers array and check if the position is even, the number is prime and if the current number is a new candidate for the minimum.
require 'prime'
def smallest_prime_even_position(numbers)
min = "NULL"
numbers.each_with_index {|val, index|
min = val if index.odd? and and (min == "NULL" or val < min)
return min
puts smallest_prime_even_position([0]).split(',').map(&:to_i))